The 10 Keys to Planning for Success in your Business
By Wayne H. Ottum
“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.” Brian Tracy
It’s that time of year again when businesses begin talking about planning for the new year while dusting off their old Strategic Plans. You may have heard the expression, “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” Yes, we try to plan. We set business goals. We make project plans and “To Do” lists. We might even create a business plan. These are all good things, for sure. Many of us, however, find that after only a few short weeks we steer off course, experience frustration, and fall back into the rut we were in before – stuck. We discover these half-hearted efforts are, well, half-hearted and can even be demotivating to management and staff, particularly if last year’s plan was simply filed and forgotten, and never materialized.
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