Ottum Enterprises was founded in 2003 out of a deep desire to help business owners grow their business. Based on his many years of experience in business and personnel development consulting, founder Wayne Ottum guided businesses through the various Seasons of Growth™ to create a clear vision, definition of success (growth), and to organize their companies to be more productive and effective.
But something was missing! The business owners Wayne consulted were the top in their fields, smart, experienced, yet they still sought answers to how they could create true, lasting success. They had read all the great business growth books, attended to lectures, obtained their MBAs, wrote business plans, yet the answers to their most basic questions remained elusive and unanswered; such as, “How do I know which direction is right? Where do I focus, and which are the right decisions?” They did not feel that they were living the business they truly desired or feeling fulfilled as business owners. So Wayne began asking “Why?” Why do so few business owners have, or live, the business of their dreams when this is what they deeply desired? Why are they unable to answer these basic questions? This led Wayne to begin asking “How?” How can he help business owners answer these questions so they could live the business, and life of their dreams?
And so began a search for concrete, no-nonsense answers to these perplexing questions. Answers that would ring true and feel authentic to most people and create real value by helping them achieve business success, as they defined it. He searched for tools that were practical, usable and created real and lasting results. He looked for a process that allowed each business owner and business organization to create a customized result that embodied their unique talents, needs, and beliefs. In his search, he came to realize three things were needed:
- Clarity: Though there is a great amount of information available to the masses, he discovered we also need a clearly defined foundation, or filter, to allow us to effectively make sense of the vast amount of information available to us. He discovered that this foundation, this filter, consisted of the following fundamental components: a clear and compelling direction, an authentic purpose, and a set of written values.
- Simplicity: To achieve clarity in business and life Wayne realized a simple process of self-discovery was required. This process had to be simple and resonate with most people so it could be reasonably managed and accomplished. It also had to produce results that were practical, effective, and felt genuine.
- Challenge: Of significant importance, Wayne discovered that building the business of your dreams and living in true alignment based on these fundamentals is a challenge. That is, it is a challenge to honestly assess yourself, look deep within and decide once and for all who you are and what you want. Though the concept of acting intentionally, purposefully, and with integrity may be simple, actually defining and living this way, each and every day, can be a challenge.
Wayne also discovered that such a process did not exist, at least one he believed created real, authentic and lasting results for most business owners and businesses. Thus, he developed The Business Growth Challenge™, a one-on-one consulting process that guides business owners to create a clear vision of the business of their dreams, to define their unique purpose through a compelling business mission, and to define their business values to guide their decision making. The process also helped them to assess their business today and to build a business plan with real meaning, one that guided their day-to-day action. A process that was simple, felt authentic and created real results.
After taking many business owners through this process, it became clear that these same principles (a clarity of direction, purpose and values) are the foundational principles needed to live the life of your dreams, so The Personal Growth Challenge™ was born which is now detailed in his current book, Live from Strength.
In 2011, working with his wife Deborah Kiernan-Ottum, Wayne adapted these consulting tools to create The Couples Growth Challenge™ to assist committed couples to discover, enhance and maintain the intimacy, romance and passion is their relationship. Wayne and Deborah’s first book in the Love from Strength™ series, Create Intimacy… in as little as 8 seconds a day!, helps committed couples build a foundation of intimacy in their relationship so they can experience the life-long love affair they deeply desire.
Now, with healthy work-life integration in mind, Ottum Enterprises is guiding businesses, individuals and couples to tap into the power already within them (their unique gifts), identify their true and compelling direction, discover a unique purpose that creates real meaning and fulfillment, and to define values that make decision making clear, quick and easy. This is the power, confidence, authenticity and happiness that can be yours when you Lead, Live & Love from Strength™.
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